It Takes Fierce Focus to Build Something From Nothing
In the past year, we lost Ruth Bader Ginsberg, feminist icon. Her story is nothing short of amazing. For any working mom, Justice Ginsberg is the quintessential role model in many ways. When institutions like Harvard tried to place road blocks before her, she simply pivoted and found another way by moving to Columbia. When Ginsburg could not get hired by the large New York City law firms because they simply did not hire women at the time she was working, she forged he own path in the public domain, a path the was paved with so much success it led her to the United States Supreme Court where for decades she was the voice of liberal change. Justice Ginsberg’s example serves as a role model for so many working women in so many fields. Her determination was limitless. She continually found a path toward success. Achievement knew no limitations. Her focus on her end goals is a model for us all. To succeed as a professional female voice over actor, the same fierce determination is vital to build something from nothing. We are constantly thrown curve balls and challenges, and it is the ability of those of us to look beyond these challenges and maintain focus that separates successful voice actors who persevere in an extremely competitive field from those who dabble for a time.
It Takes Determination to Work with Coaches and to do Demos
Getting your foot in the door in voice over is not easy and takes great determination. Voiceover work begins with working with great coaches. Just getting on the roster of sought-after coaches can take determination and perseverance. Once a voice actor begins working with coaches, it requires, commitment, focus, and routine practice in order to develop the skills necessary to work in voice over. Even those of us who are seasoned professionals typically continue to work on our craft for the duration of our careers to understand what reads are booking and make sure that our reads are up to par.
Next, it requires determination to do demos. A voice over actor must prepare for each demo, in each genre. Demos are not just a lot of work, they are typically quite pricey. Saving up to do your demos is another area that, you guessed it, requires determination.
There are Ups and Downs in Voice Over
Voiceover life is often described as feast or famine. Sometimes I say my months come in like a lamb and go out like a lion. It takes real determination to push through these ups and downs. You have to be dedicated to the long road, and understand that a voice over career can much more accurately be compared to a marathon than a sprint. When the voice over gods shine down on you, it is the best feeling in the world. But we all go through times when the work just is not abundant, and we have to continue to submit auditions and work on our craft with the confidence that in an hour or in a day the tide can turn and the work will start pouring in.
It Takes Determination to Sift Through the Vast and Ever Changing Social Media Landscape and Make Your Own Way
In the face of these ups and downs, social media can be a tricky place to tread. You have to be sure of yourself and your journey if you want to see what others in your field are up to. For me, especially in a year when we cannot be together in person, I love keeping in touch with industry friends online. It is important, though, not to compare what other people are booking and the work they seem to be getting to what you are doing. Remember that social media posts are a carefully crafted glimpse of what people want you to see and in no way present the total picture of their ups and downs.
It is Not Necessarily the Most Talented, But the Most Determined That Make It
In life, there are plenty of people with talent who abandon their goals. Why? They simply lack the determination to reach them. If you haven’t heard this yet, I will say it again here, in voice over it is not about the voice. A good voice will only get you so far. A voice over career, which is really what you want, is about fierce determination to succeed. It’s about knowing how to build industry connections and running your small business. It’s about maintaining your skills. And it’s about solid marking with a focus on your goals. If you want to succeed in voice over, you need to be committed to working hard!